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Dark Matter

A native Android application which serves as the mobile counterpart for Project Dark Flow.


The project draws its name from the enigmatic concept of dark matter, a hypothetical form of matter that constitutes approximately 85% of the universe’s matter and a quarter of its total energy density. Elusive and invisible, dark matter reveals its presence through its gravitational impact on visible matter, radiation, and the universe’s large-scale structure.

Inspired by the web chat service, Project DarkFlow, I chose this name to symbolize the mobile application as the complementary counterpart, much like dark matter is to visible matter. The mobile app completes the user experience, offering a seamless and integrated chat service across platforms.


The main objective of Project Dark Matter is to develop a mobile counterpart for Project Dark Flow, providing users with a real-time chat application on their Android devices.

No user data is stored on the device, and all data is transmitted securely over HTTPS. The application utilizes a custom REST API for interaction with the back-end services of Project Dark Flow.

Deliver push notifications to users using Google Cloud Messaging.

Technology Stack

  • Android: The application was developed for Android devices.
  • Java: The application was developed using the Java programming language.
  • Google Cloud Messaging: Google Cloud Messaging was used to facilitate real-time chats and notifications.
  • Version Control: Git
  • Security: Data validation and encryption techniques
  • Hosting: Afrihost
  • Documentation: Markdown


User Management

Users can register, log in, and manage their accounts. This includes updating their profile information and changing their password.

Real-Time Chat

Users can engage in a real-time chat with other users of the platform.


The service focuses on the security of the website and the anonymity of user data.

Data Encryption

The service includes features to ensure the security of user data. This includes data validation, encryption, and secure user authentication.

Push Notifications

The application delivers push notifications to users using Google Cloud Messaging.