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Aurora Atmos

A reimagining of the darkMocha website and company vision. The building out of SaaS related products and eco-system. This includes darkMocha website 2.0, darkMocha Forums, darkMocha Chat, darkMocha Connect, darkMocha Innovate, and darkMocha Collaborate.


The Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, is a breathtaking natural phenomenon that inspires this project’s name. This spectacular display of light in the Earth’s sky, predominantly seen in high-latitude regions around the Arctic and Antarctic, is caused by the interaction between the solar wind and the Earth’s magnetic field.

Similarly, this project aims to transform the darkMocha brand into something equally remarkable. By developing the darkMocha 2.0 suite of SaaS services, I envision a reimagined website and company direction that shines bright for all.


The project aims to build out a suite of SaaS service offerings, which can be integrated into one platform.

Projects / Modules

darkMocha Website 2.0

This is a complete reimagining of the darkMocha website. The website is geared towards integration with the darkMocha SaaS ecosystem. The website will serve as the central hub for all darkMocha SaaS products. It takes numerous skills learned and knowledge gained from previous projects and combines them into a single platform. Based on the user’s SaaS subscription, the website will enable access to the various offerings within the darkMocha SaaS ecosystem.

darkMocha Forums

This project provides users with a complete online forum experience. The forums are integrated into the darkMocha SaaS ecosystem. Users can create and manage their own forums, and participate in forums created by others. There are various administrative tools to manage the forums, as well as user and content moderation tools.

darkMocha Chat

This project enables users within the darkMocha SaaS ecosystem to make use of industry standard chat and messaging functionality. Users can create and manage chat rooms, and participate in chat rooms created by others. There are various administrative tools to manage the chat rooms, as well as user and content moderation tools.

darkMocha Connect

This project is a complete social media experience module. It allows users to create and manage their own profiles and content. Users can connect with others, and share their content with others. There are various administrative tools to manage the content, as well as user and content moderation tools.

darkMocha Innovate

This project supports users and content creators to create and manage content. This is specifically geared towards video, audio, and written media.

darkMocha Collaborate

This project enables users to create online collaborative spaces and workrooms. This is similar to what Microsoft Teams, or Slack provides.

Complete Suite

As can be seen in the various subsections above, the darkMocha SaaS suite of services are all designed to integrate with each other. This means that a user can have a seamless experience across all the services. The services are designed to be modular, and can be used independently of each other, or together as a complete suite.