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Code School

An automated marking system for exams coded in VB.NET.


This project was named Project Code School, as it was developed to provide an automated marking system for student exams. This project was my final year project at university during my Honors degree in Computer Science.


The main objective of Project Code School was to develop an automated marking system for student exams based in the VB.NET programming language. First year students were required to write a VB.NET exam at the end of their semester, and the system would automatically mark the exam and provide immediate feedback to the students.

This system eliminated long waiting periods for students to receive their exam results, as well as the need for lecturers to manually mark the exams.

Technology Stack

  • Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery
  • Back-end: PHP
  • Database: MySQL
  • Framework: LAMP stack
  • Version Control: Git
  • Security: Data validation and encryption techniques
  • Hosting: Afrihost
  • Documentation: Markdown


User management

Users can register, log in, and manage their accounts.

Online exams

Administrators can create exams within the system and students can take these exams online.

Automated marking

The system will automatically mark student responses and provide immediate feedback.


Administrators can review and update user marks, and see class analytics.

Query system

Students can query the system regarding their results.

Profile customization

both administrators and students can customize their profiles.

Lecturer / Student interaction

Lecturers can provide feedback to students on their exam results. There is also a private messaging system between lecturers and students.

Exam alteration

Lecturers can alter exam questions and answers. Automatic re-marking of exams happen after alterations are made.

Export results

Lecturers can export exam results to Microsoft Excel or PDF.