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A web-based content management system specifically geared towards owners of guesthouses or properties that require a booking system.


The project derives its name from the cyclone, a powerful and dynamic weather phenomenon characterized by rotating winds and low atmospheric pressure. Cyclones can range in scale from massive polar vortices and extratropical cyclones to smaller mesocyclones, tornadoes, and dust devils.

Inspired by the cyclone’s potential to disrupt and transform, I chose this name to symbolize the user’s ability to harness the power of the product to effortlessly manage their property and bookings. Just as a cyclone can reshape its surroundings, this project empowers users to take control and streamline their operations with ease.


Design and develop an intuitive and user-friendly web content management system for property owners to efficiently manage their holiday rental properties.

Create a fully integrated and functional booking system, enabling property owners to streamline their booking processes and enhance the overall user experience.

Technology Stack

  • Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery
  • Back-end: PHP
  • Database: MySQL
  • Framework: LAMP stack
  • Version Control: Git
  • Security: Data validation and encryption techniques
  • Hosting: Afrihost
  • Documentation: Markdown


User Management

Users can register, log in, and manage their accounts. This includes updating their profile information and changing their password.

Content Management

Users can create, update, and delete content on their website. This includes text, images, and other types of content. They can also manage which sections of the website are visible to the public.


The system includes features to ensure the security of user data. This includes data validation, encryption techniques, and secure user authentication.

Booking Management

Users can manage bookings for their property. This includes creating new bookings, updating existing books, and viewing a list of all bookings. They can also set availability for their specific rooms or properties.