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Personal website that will be used to share my thoughts, ideas, what I'm working on, and what I'm learning.


This project is named after the Carina Nebula, a large, complex area of bright and dark nebulosity in the constellation Carina, and is located in the Carina–Sagittarius Arm. The nebula lies at an estimated distance between 6,500 and 10,000 light-years from Earth. It is one of the largest nebulas in the Milky Way. The nebula is one of the largest diffuse nebulas in our skies and is also one of the brightest. It is a region of massive star formation.

There are many wonderful items in the Carina Nebula, such as the Keyhole Nebula, the Homunculus Nebula, and the Mystic Mountain. The Carina Nebula is also home to the famous star Eta Carinae, which is one of the most massive stars in the Milky Way.

This is why the name was chosen to represent my personal website. It is a place where I can share my thoughts, ideas, what I’m working on, and what I’m learning. It is a place where I can share my journey and experiences with the world.

As with the Carina Nebula, many incredible things can be found within. The possibilities are endless. As this website evolves, this document will be updated to reflect the changes and new features that have been added.

The project is broken up into multiple phases, a phase can be considered as a specific version of the website. Each phase will have a specific set of features and functionality that will be added to the website.


The main objective of this project is to create a personal website that will be used to share my thoughts, ideas, what I’m working on, and what I’m learning. It will be a place where I can share my journey and experiences with the world.

The website will serve several purposes:

  • Showcase personal projects
  • Professional branding
  • Communicate my work experience
  • Share my thoughts and ideas via blog posts

Version 1 — Eta Carinae


Eta Carinae is a highly luminous hypergiant star located in the Carina Nebula. It is estimated to be 100 to 150 times the mass of the sun, and its luminosity is approximately four million times that of the sun. The Eta Carinae star system is nearing the end of its life and is expected to explode into a supernova at any time.


The focus of this phase is to create a baseline content website that will serve as a foundation for future phases. The website is built using Astro, The website is hosted on CloudFlare Pages and served via CloudFlare DNS.


  • Home
  • About Me
  • Work experience and client projects
  • Projects
  • Blogs

Technology Stack

  • Front-end: Astro
  • Hosting: CloudFlare Pages
  • CDN: CloudFlare
  • DNS: CloudFlare
  • Version Control: Git
  • CI/CD: GitHub Actions
  • Project Management: GitHub Projects
  • Documentation: MDX and Astro Starlight

Version 2 — Homunculus

Version 2 of the website is in a maintenance cycle. All major underlying components have been developed.


The Homunculus Nebula is a bipolar emission and reflection nebula surrounding the star system Eta Carinae, located within the Carina Nebula. It is about 7500 light-years from Earth and consists of gas ejected from Eta Carinae during its 19th century outburst. The nebula is unique due to its young age and is the brightest object in the sky at mid-infrared wavelengths.


Integrate project documentation into the website. This involves migrating disparate documentation repositories for projects into this website, to go along with the project overview and listing.

Version 3 — Keyhole


The Keyhole Nebula is a small dark cloud of cold molecules and dust within the Carina Nebula, containing bright filaments of hot, fluorescing gas, silhouetted against the much brighter background nebula.


To be determined.


To be determined.

Version 4 — Mystic Mountain


Mystic Mountain is a region in the Carina nebula that was imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope. The region is a pillar of gas and dust, three light-years tall, and is being eroded by the radiation and winds of charged particles from hot newborn stars in the nebula. The pillar is also being assaulted from within, as infant stars buried inside it fire off jets of gas that can be seen streaming from towering peaks.


To be determined.


To be determined.

Version 5 — Defiant Finger


The Defiant Finger is a small Bok globule in the Keyhole Nebula, which is part of the Carina Nebula. It is thought to be ionized by the bright Wolf-Rayet star WR 25 and/or Trumpler 16-244, a bright blue supergiant. The mass of the Defiant Finger is at least 6 solar masses, and stars may be forming inside of it.


To be determined.


To be determined.